Friday, March 9, 2007

Cram Salad. With Whine.

This is what I look like mornights before exams.


I hope I could drop my procasinating habit before I could actually carry it with me in The Real World. huhu.

OJTs are now at hand and I need to cram more software knowledge before applying for internship... (There I go again! XP)

Kind of ambitious and unrealistic but here are the graphic apps I want to learn, in order of priority:

1) Photoshop CS2.

Though I feel fairly proficient in this graphic powerhouse, there are still some PS components/tools/terms that elude me. "Anti-aliasing", whaddahell is that? (See how slow I am?) So I borrowed an old book "Adobe Photoshop 5.0 Studio Techniques" by Ben Willmore (newer books are usually for room use only) from our school library and I am hoping to finish it today. T-T I better borrow a photoshop trick cookbook next time.

Mastering Photoshop is good, but for better chance of survival in the Graphic Art jungle, we must learn other apps as well. Since I am leaning in Illustrative work, I also need to learn vector programs, like:

2) Illustrator/ Freehand/ Inkscape.

I really don't know which of these vector progs I should concentrate in...I am looking for a vector prog that is powerful yet easy to learn and use. I better check some review sites.

3) Flash

The ever-intimidating program for me. I have Flash 8 installed in my laptop since last year and I havent really opened it until now. Gosh, the interface makes me dizzy. I heard from my classmates that it takes a long time to learn and get used to, but for the sake of my future career, I will take the plunge and splash in Flash (ok, that's corny). Perhaps I would allot a two week study of the program...not sure if that would be enough though.

4) Dreamweaver.

Ohoho! I should have paid attention to my friend when he tried to teach me this one, wrong timing for my ADD to act up. Hmf. Maybe I would just hunt the net for some tuts about this one.

5) Premier Pro/Ulead Video Studio 7.

If I want me an edge, I should learn the basics of video editing. Might come in handy for my future thesis. I will try to learn Ulead first as it is easier, and I just need to feel I know editing. Ego. Heehee.

6) Painter IX/ArtRage v2.2.

I am planning on becoming a Book Illustrator, learning Painter would be a good idea (and since I always seem to run out of art supplies, perfect for my thinning wallet as well). I downloaded ArtRage today and I'll install it later. The interface is cute and super intuitive btw, perfect for a new digi painter.


Cute, eh?

And yeah, ArtRage is free to download. ^_^ I downloaded mine here.

So what else...?

7) Adobe Imageready. For good measure. ^_^

I feel I got this down pat but I havent explored most of its tools yet.

Of all these progs, I should concentrate more on vector progs and flash...that is, if I could
not learn all of this in time, which, btw, might happen anyway....thank you m'Pentium 1 brain. -_-


I feel exhausted already. Gah. BUT FIRST! I shall first attack those pending Mwah.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Sorry Bhez.

Minsan di ko na kasi naiisip mga sinasabi ko sa iyo. Pasensya na po.

F R E S H B L O O D?

Could be menstrual or something.

SO anywise, WELCOME TO MY VERY OWN SKETCH BLOG, dear dear visitor! From now on, this will be the place where I would post daily speed sketches (like the sketch above), WIPs, photos and few personal whatnot's. I am kind of backsliding into artist life after a year of dormancy and...and you, dear visitor, HAS to be part of this new journey I am if you happen to drop by this blog, please PLEASE feel free to comment/critique aaaaaaannnnnnnyyyytiiiiiiime. Just don't send spam or something similar to that, OK? If you happen to have a Blogger, please add me too. New Blogger friends are always very very warmly welcome! ^_^