Thursday, March 8, 2007

F R E S H B L O O D?

Could be menstrual or something.

SO anywise, WELCOME TO MY VERY OWN SKETCH BLOG, dear dear visitor! From now on, this will be the place where I would post daily speed sketches (like the sketch above), WIPs, photos and few personal whatnot's. I am kind of backsliding into artist life after a year of dormancy and...and you, dear visitor, HAS to be part of this new journey I am if you happen to drop by this blog, please PLEASE feel free to comment/critique aaaaaaannnnnnnyyyytiiiiiiime. Just don't send spam or something similar to that, OK? If you happen to have a Blogger, please add me too. New Blogger friends are always very very warmly welcome! ^_^

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